Vassia Zacharopoulou

News & Press

“It has literally been a night in Vienna..!” Corinthia Events about the great New Year’s Eve concert that took place at Loutraki.

“…”It has literally been a night in Vienna..!”…” Corinthia Events about the great New Year’s Eve concert that took place at Loutraki.

By Olga Papalexandrou

Vassia Zacharopoulou
Pelopidas Mavropoulos, Vassia Zacharopoulou
Vassia Zacharopoulou, Loutraki Philharmonic Band

Παραμονές πρωτοχρονιάς με την Φιλαρμονική Λουτρακίου: Eine nacht in Vienna… κυριολεκτικά!